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9812008 Eléments 0.Ressource en ligne
9822008 Eléments 0. Concepts quotidiens, concepts scientifiques chez Vygotski. p. 16-28.Ressource en ligne
9832008 Eléments 0. Le concept d'égalité : clef ou verrou ? p. 48-64.Ressource en ligne
9842008 Eléments 0. Lectures d'erreurs communes. p. 33-47.Ressource en ligne
9852008 Eléments 0. Narratives, expressions algébriques et calcul formel : de la constitution à la transformation du sens. p. 65-81.Ressource en ligne
9862008 Entretiens individuels et difficultés d'apprentissage en algèbre.Ressource en ligne
9872008 Guide du calcul avec les logiciels libres.
9882008 History and epistemology in mathematics education : proceedings of the 5th European Summer University, ESU 5, Prague, July 19-24, 2007.Ressource en ligne
9892008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Algebra and Geometry in Elementary and Secondary School. p. 29-38.Ressource en ligne
9902008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Education of Mathematics Teachers (In Algebra and Geometry, in Particular). p. 441-450.Ressource en ligne
9912008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Historical and Epistemological Aspects of Teaching Algebra. p. 91-96.Ressource en ligne
9922008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. History and Epistemology of Calculus and Algebra, Celebrating Leonhard Euler's Tercentenary. Cooperative Learning and Effectiveness of Perspective Teacher Training. p. 431-440.Ressource en ligne
9932008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Linear Programming and Its Mathematical Roots. p. 83-90.Ressource en ligne
9942008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Manuscripts and Teachers of Commercial Arithmetic in Catalonia (1400-1521). p. 791-802.Ressource en ligne
9952008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Original Texts in the Classroom. p. 49-61.Ressource en ligne
9962008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Pour une culture mathématique accessible à tous. p. 237-250.Ressource en ligne
9972008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. The Grammar of Mathematical Symbolism. p. 423-430.Ressource en ligne
9982008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Viète and the Advent of Literal Calculus. p. 475-487.Ressource en ligne
9992008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Wilhelm Matzka (1798-1891) and His Algebraic Works. p. 845-853.Ressource en ligne
10002008 Journée annuelle de la Société Mathématique de France. Vol. 21. Mathématique et musique.