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12019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The geometry of the Dambusters: A cross-curricular approach using history in the mathematics classroom with students and teachers. p. 545-556.Ressource en ligne
22016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Isaac Newton: contains awe. p. 727-735.Ressource en ligne
32012 HPM 2012. The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME-12. Proceeding book 1. Fortifying France: Les Villles de Vauban. p. 323-334.Ressource en ligne
42006 Proceedings of HPM 2004 & ESU 4. John Blagrave, gentleman of Reading. p. 177-184.
51995 Histoire et épistémologie dans l'éducation mathématique. Navigation and surveying: teaching geometry through the use of old instruments. p. 227-239.Ressource en ligne