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12019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Building new mathematical discourse among practitioners in restoration and enlightenment England 1650-1750. p. 319-335.Ressource en ligne
22019 Circulation : mathématiques, histoire, enseignement. Reflections on the Origins of the International Study Group on the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics ; its early development and other liaisons with French Colleagues. p. 31-47.
32016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. English mathematical practitioners and the new mechanical philosophy. New emerging epistemologies in the development of Gunnery from Nicolo Tartaglia (1537) to the end of the Seventeenth Century and implications for learning. p. 543-556.Ressource en ligne
42016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Geometry in the secondary school curriculum and in progression to university - Discussion Group 1. p. 201-201.Ressource en ligne
52015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. Historical epistemology: professional knowledge and proto-mathematics in early civilisations. p. 269-284.Ressource en ligne
62015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. The question of evaluation and assessment of experiences with introducing history of mathematics in the classroom. p. 59-76.Ressource en ligne
72015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. Tools and procedures for using historical materials in the classroom. p. 111-112.Ressource en ligne
82011 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University (ESU 6). Concept maps as visualisation. Their role as an epistemological device for introducing and implementing History of Mathematics in the classroom. p. 101-112.Ressource en ligne
92008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Leonard and Thomas Digges: 16th Century Mathematical Practitioners. p. 669-678.Ressource en ligne
102006 Proceedings of HPM 2004 & ESU 4. Robert Recorde, John Dee, Thomas Digges, and the "Mathematical Artes" in Renaissance England. p. 122-131.
112001 Histoire et épistémologie dans l'éducation mathématique : de la maternelle à l'université. V. 1. Conflict and Compromise: the Evolution of the Mathematics Curriculum in Nineteenth Century England. p. 309-319.Ressource en ligne
121995 Histoire et épistémologie dans l'éducation mathématique. The historical construction of mathematical knowledge p. 105-114.Ressource en ligne
131995 Histoire et épistémologie dans l'éducation mathématique. The mathematical curriculum and pedagogy in England 1780-1900: social and cultural origins. p. 401-412.Ressource en ligne
141993 L'Ouvert. N° 71. p. 1-6. Programme européen d'études mathématiques : réflexions.Ressource en ligne