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12024 Le Petit Vert. N° 157. p. 15-20. Les vitraux de Gruber.Ressource en ligne
22024 Vidéo SMF - Un texte, un mathématicien. La symétrie dans tous ses états : les travaux révolutionnaires de Sophus Lie.Ressource en ligne
32024 Vidéo SMF - Un texte, un mathématicien. Les idéaux d'Emmy Noether.Ressource en ligne
42023 Bibliothèque Tangente. N° 82. "Je n'ai pas le temps". p. 12-17.
52023 Bibliothèque Tangente. N° 82. 1829, l'été meurtrier. p. 38-41.
62023 Bibliothèque Tangente. N° 82. Evariste Galois.
72023 Bibliothèque Tangente. N° 82. Le temps de la Restauration. p 6-8.
82023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Engaging mathematics pre-service teachers with historical sources: The "moderator in dialogue" attitude and some antinomic aspects of educational practices. p. 308-313.Ressource en ligne
92023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. French mathematical influences in the first Brazilian geological school in the late 19th century. p. 539-546.Ressource en ligne
102023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Geometrical activities for children with intellectual disabilities inspired in Edouard Séguin's (1812-1880) approach. p. 194-205.Ressource en ligne
112023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Mathematical Artistry for Justice: A workshop on bringing episodes in the history of mathematics to life in the classroom by means of theatre, incorporating a short play set in Ancient. p. 378-399.Ressource en ligne
122023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceeding of the 9th European Summer University, 18-22 July 2022.Ressource en ligne
132023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proving Wallis formula for pi in a probability context with prospective primary school teachers. p. 314-320.Ressource en ligne
142023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The 18th cent. controversy about the shape of the Earth: Textual and translation issues. p. 455-463.Ressource en ligne
152023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The Historical Fagnano's Problem: teaching materials as artifacts to experiment mathematical and physical Tasks in Italian High School. p. 614-624.Ressource en ligne
162023 Insoluble mais vrai !
172023 Mallette CorMéCoULi - Corpus médiéval des Comptabilités urbaines ligériennes.Ressource en ligne
182023 Mallette CorMéCoULi. Cartes à jouer - fiches-exercices.Ressource en ligne
192023 Mallette CorMéCoULi. Livre Parchemin.Ressource en ligne
202023 Mathématice. N° 85. Jeux bicolores de type Nim.Ressource en ligne