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412023 Document-cadre pour la formation des professeurs des écoles à l'enseignement des mathématiques.Ressource en ligne
422023 Education et didactique. N° 17-2. p. 143-174. Impact du langage probabiliste sur l'usage des tests de décision.
432023 Géométrie en 6e : Une progression à partir de restaurations de figure.Ressource en ligne
442023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. A participative research with in-service secondary school teachers on the introduction of the history of mathematics in mathematics education: an overview and some preliminary results. p. 302-307.Ressource en ligne
452023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Direct comparison between objects. Discrepancies between the ancient and the modern world. p. 206-215.Ressource en ligne
462023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. In search for the early roots of the European modern mathematics movement. p. 560-565.Ressource en ligne
472023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. La rinascita della logica in Italia nella seconda metà del '900 e la sua introduzione nei programmi scolastici di matematica. p. 604-613.Ressource en ligne
482023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Mathematical objects within a transitory epistemology. p. 237-242.Ressource en ligne
492023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Mathematization of fluid motion: An example from hydrology. p. 496-500.Ressource en ligne
502023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceeding of the 9th European Summer University, 18-22 July 2022.Ressource en ligne
512023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Starting from the history of mathematics in Late Modern Italy (XVIII-XX centuries): From primary sources to mathematical concepts. p. 591-603.Ressource en ligne
522023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Teaching similar triangles in historical perspective. p. 286-295.Ressource en ligne
532023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The "Ugo Morin" Didactic Research Centre: linking research in mathematics education and teaching in Italian school. p. 625-630.Ressource en ligne
542023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The 18th cent. controversy about the shape of the Earth: Textual and translation issues. p. 455-463.Ressource en ligne
552023 La mathémagie pour rêver et comprendre les maths.
562023 Le monde des mathématiques.
572023 Le monde des mathématiques. A la recherche d'une hiérarchie en mathématiques. p. 183-225.
582023 Le monde des mathématiques. Deux mathématiciennes à la Caisse nationale des sciences. p. 315-359.
592023 Le monde des mathématiques. Etre membre du bureau des longitudes. p. 403-447.
602023 Le monde des mathématiques. L'éthos professionnel des mathématiciens. p. 45-67.