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212023 Au fil des maths. N° 548. p. 82-83. Le CDI de Marie-Ange.
222023 Au fil des maths. N° 548. p. 84-87. Un soupçon de géométrie, une pincée d'algèbre et quelques racines carrées.
232023 Au fil des maths. N° 550. p. 19-24. Archimède au collège ? Eurêka !
242023 Au fil des maths. N° 550. p. 44-49. Voyage mathématique en Egypte ancienne.
252023 Au fil des maths. N° 550. p. 87-90. Les maths en Quatrième à partir des grandeurs.
262023 Histoires de vecteurs et de produit scalaire.
272023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. "Euclid's parallel postulate and a Norwegian textbook in geometry from early 19th century. p. 553-559.Ressource en ligne
282023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. "Hands off Euclid!": The ambiguous reception of the "Modern Mathematics" reform in Greece. p. 547-552.Ressource en ligne
292023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. A hidden thread: ideas and proposals on children's mathematics education in history. p. 89-115.Ressource en ligne
302023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. A participative research with in-service secondary school teachers on the introduction of the history of mathematics in mathematics education: an overview and some preliminary results. p. 302-307.Ressource en ligne
312023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. A pioneer educational aid for the learning of the first notions of geometry: Jules Dalsème's Matériel-Atlas (1882). p. 266-275.Ressource en ligne
322023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. A possible transition from geometry to symbolic algebra through the history of mathematics. p. 418-424.Ressource en ligne
332023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Algorithms before computers. p. 73-88.Ressource en ligne
342023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. An interdisciplinary approach to the second quantum revolution for educating to probabilistic thinking: the random walk case. p. 490-495.Ressource en ligne
352023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Analytic narrative of strategic interactions throughout the constructivist approach. p. 411-417.Ressource en ligne
362023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Board games in maths education: comparing the Intiateur Mathématique (1910, Hachette) and Polyminix (2019, CreativaMente). p. 503-513.Ressource en ligne
372023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. College geometry from an advanced historical standpoint for mathematics education. p. 296-301.Ressource en ligne
382023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Designing a history and philosophy of Mathematics course for preservice teachers: an emerging framework. p. 321-326.Ressource en ligne
392023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Direct comparison between objects. Discrepancies between the ancient and the modern world. p. 206-215.Ressource en ligne
402023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Du compas de Fabrizio Mordente de Salernes au compas de proportion. p. 464-483.Ressource en ligne