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812020 Tangente Education. N° 52. p. 9-9. La pédagogie Montessori.
822020 Tangente Hors-série. N° 74. p. 27-27. Mary Everest Boole, une pédagogue surprenante.
832020 Tangente. N° 197. p. 27-27. Dans l'édition, ils vont par deux.
842019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Dutch mathematics teachers, magazines and organizations: 1904-1941. p. 371-386.Ressource en ligne
852019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Let them speak; hear them speak - old Chinese wisdom on mathematics education. p. 355-369.Ressource en ligne
862019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Views on usefulness and applications during the sixties. p. 387-399.Ressource en ligne
872019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Anton Dakitsch collection - the scope of mathematics teaching in Brazilian industrial education in the 1950s. p. 257-267.Ressource en ligne
882019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Daily life traits in arithmetic word problems: a glance at 1950s school notebooks. p. 93-109.Ressource en ligne
892019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Differential calculus in a journal for Dutch school teachers (1754-1764). p. 221-238.Ressource en ligne
902019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Dmitry Chizhov and the examination of mathematics textbooks in Russia during the 1820s-1830s . p. 205-220.Ressource en ligne
912019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Geometry for women in teacher training schools in the late 19th century in Spain. p. 301-317.Ressource en ligne
922019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Jacob de Gelder (1765-1848) and his way of teaching cubic equations. p. 177-187.Ressource en ligne
932019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. John Leslie's (1817) view of arithmetic and its relevance for modern pedagogy. p. 147-159.Ressource en ligne
942019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Mathematical reasoning in trigonometric definitions, proofs, and calculations on early 19th century textbooks from Norway and Denmark. p. 111-127.Ressource en ligne
952019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Norms and practices of secondary teachers' formation. The Portuguese case (1915-1930). p. 337-353.Ressource en ligne
962019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Pedagogical value of the Russian abacus and its use in teaching and learning arithmetic in the 19th - early 20th century. p. 161-176.Ressource en ligne
972019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Problems in the teaching of arithmetic: records in French school notebooks (1870-1914). p. 49-63.Ressource en ligne
982019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Teaching mathematics in Moroccan high schools in the past fifty years. p. 239-255.Ressource en ligne
992019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. The mathematics teachers' journal Euclides in the Netherlands in change, 1945-1976. p. 189-204.Ressource en ligne
1002019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Two textbooks on unconventional arithmetic: Reactions of influential persons p. 65-81.Ressource en ligne