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412017 Let History into the Mathematics Classroom.
422017 Let History into the Mathematics Classroom. The Congruence Machine of the Carissan Brothers. p. 75-86.
432017 Let History into the Mathematics Classroom. The Probability of Causes According to Condorcet. p. 129-140.
442017 Let History into the Mathematics Classroom. When Leibniz Plays Dice. p. 115-127.
452017 Statistiques : des éléments d'histoire.
462017 Statistiques : des éléments d'histoire. Buffon et les statistiques : pi est-il le même a Montbard qu'en Espagne ? p. 87-101.Ressource en ligne
472017 Statistiques : des éléments d'histoire. Calcul d'une population : un exemple historique reconstitué en classe avec le tableur. p. 45-56.Ressource en ligne
482017 Statistiques : des éléments d'histoire. Recherches générales sur la mortalité et la multiplication du genre humain. p. 57-66.Ressource en ligne
492016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Historical sources in the classroom and their educational effects. p. 5-23.Ressource en ligne
502016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers: The case of history in mathematics education. p. 441-452.Ressource en ligne
512016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Original sources in the mathematics classroom. p. 205-207.Ressource en ligne
522016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Proceedings of the 2016 ICME Satellite Meeting.Ressource en ligne
532016 Repères-IREM. N° 103.
542016 Repères-IREM. N° 103. p. 5-20. Mathématiques et interculturalité : L'exemple de la division des figures planes dans l'histoire des pratiques mathématiques.Ressource en ligne
552015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. A cabinet of mathematical wonders: images and the history of mathematics. p. 529-538.Ressource en ligne
562015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. A geometric problem on three circles in a triangle (the Malfatti problem) - a thread through Japanese, European and Chinese mathematics. p. 637-649.Ressource en ligne
572015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. A strong collaboration between physicians and mathematicians through the XIXth century: double refraction theory. p. 601-601.Ressource en ligne
582015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. Abstract awakenings in algebra: a guided reading approach to teaching modern algebra via original sources. p. 465-466.Ressource en ligne
592015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. Algorithms: an approach based on historical texts in the classroom . p. 467-484.Ressource en ligne
602015 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University. Calendars and currency - embedded in culture, nature, society and language. p. 605-624.Ressource en ligne