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12021 Vidéo SMF - Une question, un chercheur. Sommes de carrés : arithmétique ou géométrie ?Ressource en ligne
22019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk.
32019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. "Star Anu, Lord of Heaven": The Influence of the Celestial Sciences on Temple Rituals in Hellenistic Uruk and Babylon. p. 219-234.
42019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. A Mathematical Collection Found in the "House of the asipus". The Art of Metrology in Achaemenid Uruk. p. 89-146.
52019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. Astrological Texts from Late Babylonian Uruk. p. 171-185.
62019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. Astronomical Activity in the "House of the asipus" in Uruk. p. 147-169.
72019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. Cultural Imports and Local Products in the Commentaries from Uruk. The Case of the Gimil-Sîn Family. p. 53-88.
82019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. Interactions Between Greek and Babylonian Thought in Seleucid Uruk. p. 235-254.
92019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. Introduction: Scholars, Scholarly Archives and the Practice of Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. p. 1-52.
102019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. Scholarly Mathematics in the Res Temple. p. 187-217.
112019 Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk. Uruk and the Greco-Roman World. p. 255-270.