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12023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Pedro Nunez: Algebra is also for geometrical problem solving. p. 400-410.Ressource en ligne
22023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceeding of the 9th European Summer University, 18-22 July 2022.Ressource en ligne
32023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Roles of the history of mathematics in the mathematical knowledge for teaching. p. 14-25.Ressource en ligne
42023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The history of mathematics in Italy through the ages: Sources, correspondences, and editions. p. 118-140.Ressource en ligne
52023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The tangent line to the parabola to Greek mathematics and Galileo Galilei. p. 359-367.Ressource en ligne
62023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The use of original sources in the classroom for learning mathematics. p. 48-72.Ressource en ligne
72022 Modélisation mathématique et activités économiques pour l'option Mathématiques complémentaires de Terminale.Ressource en ligne
82021 Mnémosyne. N° 20.Ressource en ligne
92021 Mnémosyne. N° 20. p. 65-78. Problèmes de dés.Ressource en ligne
102020 Les Cahiers Clairaut. N° 170. Complément : D'Aristarque à Eratosthène.Ressource en ligne
112019 Actes du Colloque EMF 2018. La duplication du carré avec Platon en CM2 et en 6e. p. 327-333.Ressource en ligne
122019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education ESU 8.Ressource en ligne
132019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. A case study of the implementation of primary sources in undergraduate mathematics. p. 463-480.Ressource en ligne
142019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Between words and artefacts: Implementing history in the math class from kindergarten to teacher training. p. 375-395.Ressource en ligne
152019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Developing geometric proportional thinking to 6th grade students with the use of a historical instrument of Errard de Bar le Duc. p. 303-314.Ressource en ligne
162019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Discovering neglected synthetic geometry on social networks: Learning maths as in the historical Italian academies. p. 561-573.Ressource en ligne
172019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Hermeneutics, and the question of "How is science possible?" p. 3-21.Ressource en ligne
182019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Infinite sums and the calculation of pi, as presented by the Swedish mathematician Anders Gabriel Duhre in the early 18th century. p. 861-873.Ressource en ligne
192019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Potential for collaboration between history and mathematics teachers: An investigation and framework based on a text by Abu'l-Wafa' Buzj'ani. p. 575-583.Ressource en ligne
202019 Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Reversed procedure and Kuttaka method: The calculation of Indian Mathematics (ganita) in Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta. p. 449-462.Ressource en ligne