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12023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Teaching similar triangles in historical perspective. p. 286-295.Ressource en ligne
22023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The definitions of the concepts "circle" and "rhombus" in Greek mathematics textbooks used in Primary Education from 1830 to the present day. p. 515-522.Ressource en ligne
32019 Actes du 45ème colloque COPIRELEM. Blois 2018. La numération sécimale en formation initiale des enseignants du premier degré. p. 649-654.Ressource en ligne
42011 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University (ESU 6). Historical methods for multiplication. p. 235-244.Ressource en ligne
52009 Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives. V. 14. p. 195-212. Les enseignants grecs face aux problèmes réalistes - Les caractéristiques des enseignants qui influencent les réponses réalistes.Ressource en ligne
62008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Did we have "Revolutions" in Mathematics? Examples from the History of Mathematics in the light of T. S. Kuhn's historical philosophy of science. p. 97-105.Ressource en ligne