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4 fiches trouvées

12011 Revue d'histoire des mathématiques. N° 17. Vol. 1. p. 139-165. Opposition to the boycott of german mathematics in the early 1920s: letters by Edmund landau (1877-1938) and Edwin Bidwell Wilson (1879-1964)Ressource en ligne
22009 Revue d'histoire des sciences. Vol. 62. N° 1. p. 247-284. The Institute Henri Poincaré and mathematics in France between the Wars.Ressource en ligne
32008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Nazi Rule and Teaching of Mathematics in the Third Reich, Particularly School Mathematics. p. 863-875.Ressource en ligne
42006 Proceedings of HPM 2004 & ESU 4. Richard von Mises (1883-1953) as a pupil, student, and teacher of mathematics. p. 623-629.