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12008 History and epistemology in mathematics education: proceedings of the 5th European Summer University. Episodes of the History of Geometry. Their Interpretation Through Models in Dynamic Geometry. p. 171-179.Ressource en ligne
21996 História e Educação Matemática: HEM Braga 96, 24-30 Julho 1996, Braga, Portugal. Actas. Vol. 1.Ressource en ligne
31996 História e Educação Matemática: HEM Braga 96, 24-30 Julho 1996, Braga, Portugal. Actas. Vol. 2.Ressource en ligne
41995 Histoire et épistémologie dans l'éducation mathématique. Introduction of an historical perspective in the teaching of mathematics: the situation in Portugal. p. 299-302.Ressource en ligne