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612023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. French mathematical influences in the first Brazilian geological school in the late 19th century. p. 539-546.Ressource en ligne
622023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Get in touch with calculus: A new material device collecting a historical legacy. p. 333-339.Ressource en ligne
632023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. History of mathematics as a tool to educate for anti-racism. p. 631-637.Ressource en ligne
642023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. History of Mathematics in Brazilian secondary school textbooks. p. 532-538.Ressource en ligne
652023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. History of mathematics in Portuguese textbooks of Vicente Gonçalves (1896-1985) and José Sebastiao e Silva (1914-1972) . p. 340-345.Ressource en ligne
662023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Interdisciplinarity in special relativity: development of activity for pre-service teacher education. p. 484-489.Ressource en ligne
672023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Issues related to the teaching of mathematics at the "Studio Padovano" in mid-1800s. p. 644-650.Ressource en ligne
682023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Mathematics, eloquence and politics: The deductive hypothetical model in the political discourses that changed the course of history over the last two centuries. p. 434-440.Ressource en ligne
692023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Proceeding of the 9th European Summer University, 18-22 July 2022.Ressource en ligne
702023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Starting from the history of mathematics in Early Modern Italy: From primary sources to mathematical concepts. Abacus Mathematics and Archimedean Tradition. p. 578-590.Ressource en ligne
712023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Teaching-learning of mathematical concepts through podcasts: an attempt to link history of mathematics (HM) and digital information and communication technology (DTIC). p. 354-357.Ressource en ligne
722023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Textbooks developed in the path of Modern Mathematics (1976-1980): A comparison. p. 523-531.Ressource en ligne
732023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. The tangent line to the parabola to Greek mathematics and Galileo Galilei. p. 359-367.Ressource en ligne
742023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Transcendental curves by the inverse tangent problem: Historical and didactical insights for calculus. p. 181-193.Ressource en ligne
752023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. What history training for future mathematics teachers? Personal experiences and reflections. p. 26-47.Ressource en ligne
762023 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education. Whitehead's philosophy of mathematics and education as foundation of dialogical teaching. p. 261-264.Ressource en ligne
772023 La guerre des nombres premiers.
782023 Le monde des mathématiques.
792023 Le monde des mathématiques. A la recherche d'une hiérarchie en mathématiques. p. 183-225.
802023 Le monde des mathématiques. Eléments de sociohistoire des mathématiques. p. 227-280.