Bibliographical database on mathematics teaching

  en français in English auf deutsch en español

Des fiches

Un glossaire


Comité éditorial 2018-2019

Fonctionnement du comité éditorial

Bilan 2017-2018

Prévisions 2016-2017

PUBLIMATH has been developed by the APMEP (French association of mathematics teachers) and the ADIREM (committee of the directors of IREMs that are Institutes of Research into Mathematics Teaching) since 1996, with the support of the CFEM (French commission on Mathematics Education) and of the ARDM (Association for research in mathematics didactics).


PUBLIMATH offers notes about various mathematics education oriented publications

  • useful for teachers from nursery school to university, students, teacher educators, research workers, etc.
  • concerning various documents (books, magazines, software, videos, websites, etc.).
  • some of them improved by supplements in English, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese.


    PUBLIMATH includes, for each indexed document, a summary which is often quite developed, keywords describing it in detail, written and chosen by field specialists. This specificity makes it very powerful.


    PUBLIMATH allows users to consult among others

  • all the publications distributed by the APMEP, those of each IREM or Inter-IREM committees, of the ADRM, ...
  • the contents of scientific magazines: „Bulletin Vert de l ’APMEP“, „L'Ouvert“, „Petit Vert“, „Repères-IREM“, „Grand N“, „Petit x“, „RDM“, „Mathématiques et Pédagogie“, ...
  • documents that cannot be found in the usual editing networks, about various fields : teaching, didactics, history, culture, arts and entertainment…

    PUBLIMATH contains, since the end of August 2018, more than 27600 notes and offers access to a glossary including more than 3500 definitions 20 different fields.


    This presentation can be downloaded here under format PDF

  • Portail des IREM

    Site de l'APMEP

    Site de l'ARDM


    Vous avez publié ou lu un article ou un ouvrage, visualisé une vidéo, utilisé un logiciel, repéré un site internet concernant l'enseignement des mathématiques qui vous paraît intéressant.

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    © ADIREM-APMEP -2003- ISSN 1292-8054             Certification IDDN